Thursday, July 08, 2010

sewing lately

I've been on a serious sewing kick lately. Trying to get my skills up to date for Haystack. With the help of Jin at Common Thread who reminded me of the word improvise, Cal Patch's book, and some YouTube videos, I've managed to get over my sewing hump and am finally feeling liberated.
Made 3 cute summer tank tops, one using a classic seersucker fabric I've had in a drawer for over a year now cut on the bias and the other straight grain using echino fabric, green one is being re altered. Love them and have worn them too much already. 

Altered a dress from a size large to a medium. Bought it on sale so no returns. Took in the sides and part of the shoulders. Wow. I learned more about the intuitive feel of clothing construction and how those little pins that tailors use to "take in" a garment becomes a perfect fit. It's not about cutting a straight line, but making it seem like a straight line when you wear it. 2d vs 3d perhaps?

And this last week and a half involved making a pattern from an existing top I already have. This is the top with sleeves. This has been the biggest aha moment. The tracing tool is brilliant and yes, I have a closet full of clothes I want to recreate. Lots of work, but worth it if the style and fit are right.

More fabric to last me till the end of the summer!


  1. fun!

    i've got some shirts we can take it. perhaps a lunch date with your sewing machine post haystack!


  2. These look great!
    I'm going to check out Common Thread. When do you return form Haystack?

  3. thanks! just got back. haystack was amazing.
