Can you tell I'm all about weaving lately? I just picked up this
Structo Artcraft loom I recently won on
eBay. It is a small 4 harness table loom for weaving no wider than 20". Everything works perfectly, I just need to get all the rust off and change the heddles - my weekend project. Hmm, so how do you get rust off??? May take longer to restore than expected. Regardless, I'm excited!
Structo was the toy company who made these looms in the 1920's. It reminds me of the
did you ever get around to restoring you're loom? have you done any weaving on it? Got any updated pics? I also just picked up my first Structo loom this weekend and already have her first warp on it. already looking for a second one. heather
Yes, I did finish restoring it at the end of last summer. I have made a few scarves using just plain weave. Will get some updated pics soon.
Hi I just saw this. I just got mine a few weeks ago and need to restore it. Seriously rusty! What did you use to get the rust off? its all over the reed!
any advice would be much appreciated!
Hi, ended up purchasing a new reed b/c it was way too rusty. I was however able to sand off most of the rust on the other metal parts. Also sanded and resealed the wood. Did not disturb the structure too much because screws and parts would probably not have fit together as well if I had taken it completely apart. Hope this helps.
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